Member of Boards of Directors – Institutional Communications Consultant

An armful of small and large joys for 2020!

Dear Sir or Madam,

Friends of yesterday, today and tomorrow,

In this time of Advent, all my wishes fly to you at the dawn of a new year that I wish you enamelled with small and big joys which make Life beautiful! 

My spring newsletter*, DIGNITY AND HUMANITY, and my fall newsletter, LEVEL UP, put a special emphasis on human rights and on the need to question ourselves and to undergo an inner conversion in a true process of humanisation, which was magnificently expressed by Simone Veil (1909-1943)

… in other words, it is to recognise the same right to happiness! 

* To be found on my website under the News Page

One of the joys of this year was meeting Philippe Ungar, a French writer and journalist, sound archivist … and philosopher, living in New York. Two years ago, Philippe created SOUNDS LIKE PORTRAITS, a weekly podcast dedicated to creativity in all fields. 

The interview he conducted a few weeks ago, with a beautiful and deep listening, allowed me to express myself on my “creative inner springs”. It is a gift to me! For once, I would like to share it with you simply as I have been doing for the past few years for the beings and causes that I mention in my newsletters, as I regularly do with TED Talks that have inspired me… so many milestones that mark the path of life and fill it with little joys!

(For those who don’t know how to connect to the podcast sites … the easiest way is to go to the website and then go to the podcast section where it is easy to activate the link. You can also click directly on the image below)

A great joy that awaits us from June 12th to 17th 2020 in Lausanne will be the Solidarity Partnership between the Béjart Ballet Lausanne and the Antenna Foundation.

It will allow us to attend the sublime performance of The IXth Symphony while supporting the Foundation’s projects!

We are waiting for you to celebrate together the ode to life, to beauty, to dance and to music that transcends borders and differences!

A bouquet of THANKS to you, so many, who follow me and encourage me through the news I share with you!

For you,

All my wishes of Serenity, so that these 366 days to live in 2020 allow you to concretize your aspirations and to realize your dreams!

May each day bring you the Happiness of Sharing!

Dominique Brustlein-Bobst

Dominique Brustlein-Bobst 

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