Member of Boards of Directors – Institutional Communications Consultant

Ecole 42

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September 2023
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December 2021

How does one get to become a member of the Advisory Board of Ecole 42 Lausanne, a free computer school open to all, without any prerequisites? The school which opened on July 6, 2021 in Renens?
This is to me once again the doing of Providence, which allows for beautiful human encounters!
36,000 computer science jobs will remain vacant in 2028, on the one the one hand due to the insufficient number of computer science students trained by our EPF, HES and through apprenticeship channels, and on the other hand due to retirements.
For anyone who feels concerned by the Vaud and Swiss economy and is part of its ecosystem, there is an urgent need to react and offer viable and lasting solutions.
School 42 is one of them, undoubtedly!
100% of the students who graduate from the school find a job. Hundreds of start-ups around the world have emerged from its alumni network. While the 1st school opened in 2013 in Paris, it only took a few years to open and deploy the franchise on more than twenty campuses on almost every continent.
Responding to the call of the founders of the Swiss project who asked me to join their Board, I salute their mission and fully share their vision and their questions:Why not offer this future full of promise to our young people? How much talent will we need to import from abroad? Will we have the most talented? How many women will be able to seize these opportunities? How to enable women to access these well-paid, creative jobs requiring technical skills as well as human skills? Jobs of which we can clearly see the need for in these times of pandemic?
A fair project insofar as it aims to integrate as many women as men, respecting gender diversity and respecting individual sensitivities!
A generous project in that it is free and is based on the donation of visionary patrons and companies that support vocational training!
A Project that I made my own!

“So much delicacy combined with such a force of conviction is what struck me the most in the philanthropic work of Dominique Brustlein-Bobst.

Delicacy first of all because, at Ecole 42, Dominique allowed us to explain how a computer school, open to all, without age or diploma conditions, without a teacher,.. was a necessity for our region facing massive digital transformation challenges. And immediately she noticed how access to young girls and women, to IT jobs, was a “gamechanger”: a real societal disruption.

Force of conviction then because she was able to convince some influential personalities of the French-Speaking ecosystem to support us through physical meetings, support dinners, etc … Very recently again she went for the opening of our school in Renens to see the good use of donators’ funds and especially of the fantastic state of mind which reigns 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Finally, she continues on a daily basis, and always in the humility of the discretion to contribute to this board of inclusion for that all minorities of sex, social background, gender feel good in our school.

Thank you Dominique for your continued support.”

Pierre-Antoine Barraillé
School Treasurer 42

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