Member of Boards of Directors – Institutional Communications Consultant

The Rousseau Foundation

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December 2021

Fate allowed me to meet my friend Andrew Heinrich in 2018. Andrew, a 27 years old law student at Harvard and Medical student at Columbia, created the Project Rousseau Association in 2011 with the sole mission to save the lives of teenagers and young people through education. Young people with a background of precarity, living in shelters or youth centers, survivors of the penitentiary system, or coming from immigration. Born in New York, this project has spread to the surrounding regions and much beyond, to Latin America, Africa and Easter Europe.

These are 1800 young people who are now accompanied in their journey of healing, and towards autonomy …
When the time had come to create The Rousseau Foundation and that Andrew asked me to join the Board of Directors, I accepted with gratitude to bring my contribution.


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