Member of Boards of Directors – Institutional Communications Consultant

Nouvel Angle

“The suffering of the world today causes a certain amount of stress in everyone. For Ms Brustlein-Bobst, a company director and philanthropist, altruism, if accompanied by action, is the only way to relieve stress. Service on behalf of all human beings is, in the eyes of this mother of four, the true nobility, the one that allows the body and the spirit to rise spiritually, the one that allows everyone to find inner peace, and to be constantly in joy, free of all worries.”

Laetitia Rodrigues, Nouvel Angle, a programme on the independent channel NTD.

Click to watch the interview.

A journalist by training, Laetitia Rodrigues believes that the media should be the guarantor of morality and tradition. On her independent television channel Nouvel Angle (NTD French), Laetitia and her team are committed to highlighting justice, exposing wrongdoing, promoting tradition and addressing historical and cultural issues with objectivity and impartiality. Convinced that tomorrow’s world will prosper if it is based on solid universal values and the wonderful masterpieces of human history, Laetitia produces short reports based on encounters with caring, inspiring and authentic people with high moral values, so that their voices can give hope to her viewers, help them find harmony and pave their way to inner peace.

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